I thought you would enjoy seeing the ATCs that I received in the Surface Design swap...

Top left is mine. The theme was "Show a Technique".
Top Center: Aynsley McKay - made from melted plastic shopping bags (yeah, seriously cool)
Top Right:
Debbi Baker of Australia, made from painted, crinkled tissue paper (it's gorgeous)
Center Left:
Marga Korioth's paint on canvas, which came in a beautiful handmade sleeve
Tracy Borders fused cheesecloth to fabric, wove it with plain fabric, and painted it ... the results are stunning
Center Right: Jan Ziebol's silk fusion and felted wool. The teture of her quilting is amazing.
Bottom Left:
Mags from Wales (who has a lovely view out her window) made this piece with painted paper towels ... it really is incredible what you can make from such lowly items
Bottom Right:
Judy Alexander made amazing painted and stitched landscapes by painting a large piece of fabric, then cutting it up and "finding" the landscape.
They are all just amazing. And now you see why I trade...