I'm sure you have heard of the left brain vs right brain - where your left brain controls logic and reasoning, and your right brain controls creativity. I have always been strongly left brained, but my adventures in art over the past few years have strengthened my right brain and sometimes I find that is where I am living. I have some curtains to make for a friend. She would have loved to have had them yesterday, but I could not turn off my right brain and make it do the methodical careful measuring, cutting and straight line sewing, and all the math involved in making even simple valances. My right brain was clamoring to keep control, so I finished Miro and the round robin, in an attempt to appease my right brain, and it must be satisfied with that. I am soon switching over to my left brain, which will happen as soon as I hunker down with the numbers and start making those curtains. I hope my right brain is not too miffed, and doesn't go into hiding. It has a tendancy to do that.
“Ring Toss” Was an Exercise in Perseverance
4 weeks ago
This turned out beautiful! I hope you keep it for yourself. Did you work with fabric or acrylic paints? Love the threadpainting
I love your vibrant colors- it looks great!
Congratulations, Michelle!
LOL, my poor brain is confused trying to keep track of the which is which. I took a test and I'm somewhat down the middle.
The picture looks great.
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