"If you hear a voice within you say, 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." --Vincent van Gogh

Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's Almost Here!

Spring, that is. Remember the swolen buds of the Bradford Pear tree that I showed you in February? They are starting to open, right on schedule (and maybe even a week early). This photo was taken yesterday in my back yard. Here in North Carolina, in the spring and fall, the sky is an impossible shade of blue. It is just gorgeous. Carolina Blue. There are a few trees which bloom just before the Bradford pears, but for me, these non-fruiting pear trees will always mark the end of winter. Bring it on!

While I await my new machine, I managed to complete an ATC on the machine I am borrowing. It is on its way to Susan Lenz for her Cyber Fyber exhibit. Susan made the ATC on the left, recycling a Mexican blouse (what a great idea!). In turn, I made the one on the right to send to her. The background is my paper towel technique, I bounded the metal for the grapes, leaf and stem, and added the beads by hand. For those who don't know - ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) are 2.5x3.5" - the size of a playing card - and made to be traded.

When I have my new machine up and running, I'll be making a postcard for Susan as well, and I'll share with you the beautiful one she has sent to me. Happy Spring!


Anonymous said...

Very nice cards Michelle :)

As for the spring...well I can't say what I really think but think of me up north here experiencing another snowstorm when you're looking at the pear tree.

morningDove said...

love your ATC. metal, i've never used that before, but yours is very beautiful. i am sure Susan will love it.