I don't really know where the time goes. The "big push" in our family starts with my daughter's birthday at the end of October and continues through my son's birthday at the end of January. I think we squeeze about 75% of the year into those three months. Add in a multitude of festivals, a couple of snow days, and out of state guests, and even if I manage to squeeze in time for some creativity, it's tough to find time to blog.

I do want to share with you what I've been up to lately. These mosaics (each 6x6) are made from recycled CDs. I really love how they turned out and I have a few more in the works. I am trying to psych myself up to make a larger, more intricate one. They are a bit labor intensive, but I think the results are worth it.

I'll be carrying these in my booth at festivals this year. I would like to offer them on etsy, but I need to work out the best shipping arrangement before I list them. Maybe I will list some smaller ones first. I have a shamrock ready to go for St. Pat's. How's that for planning ahead?
Thanks for stopping by. I know I don't post often, and I truly appreciate those of you who still drop in to see my work.
Very cool!
Love these mosaics!
I love your mosaics - they are stunning.
Hi!! I love these!And the new look on your blog too!
Nice I like them. I've always wanted to try mosaics but never gotten around to it.
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