"If you hear a voice within you say, 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." --Vincent van Gogh

Friday, July 18, 2008

Closer to Home

While I'm in the mood to post photos ... we've had a truly gorgeous week here in North Carolina. The sky was blue and the weather, while hot and summery, was gorgeous. Usually I just hide inside in the summer. It is humid and hazy and basically ick. This week was exceptional.

We took a walk at a nearby lake the other day and here are some photos to prove that it was not just me enjoying the beautiful summer days...

There were actually 2 great blue herons at the lake. This was my favorite photo, although I wish I had paid more attention to the heron's reflection and not cut it off (and I didn't even notice the geese - I was just taking random shots).

I call this one "Three Bumps on a Log". I wonder why??
This little guy sat on his perch and posed for me. Well, maybe he just didn't feel like flying away. He was about 10 feet from me, out in the water, but he was SO small that I really had to zoom in to get a photo. So all you bird fans - what kind of bird is this? I suppose I could look it up.

And finally, this morning glory was just absolutely stunning. The vine had settled in a shady spot and I would have walked right by if not for a shaft of sunlight which landed directly inside this bloom and illuminated it as if there were a lightbulb in there. The picture doesn't even do it justice. It was beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful Michelle, I've had those moments as well, recently with the sun shining through some red poppies.

morningDove said...

your pics are wonderful. the morning glory stands to speak for its self in all its glory. I love the 3 bumps on a log.