I can't believe it's the last day of May. Where is this year going? It certainly seems to be in a hurry! I made some jewelry for a swap I was asked to lead, using my Paper Towel technique that was published in December. I especially like the bracelet and plan to make one for myself (I need to get more eyelets).

May's Read was
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. It was recommended to me by my Mother-In-Law when I told her how much I enjoyed
The Kite Runner (also her recommendation). I have to admit that I do enjoy historical fiction and learning about other cultures. I am always surprised at how completely off most of my assumptions are. Anyway, I did, in fact, really enjoy this book. It is a fascinated glimpse into Japanese culture (albeit mostly pre-WWII). I will say there was one key plot point that I recognized/predicted when it happened, and it did make the ending less of a suprise than I suppose it could have been. Still, a good book, which flowed very nicely and was easy to enjoy.

Tracy tagged me and I am supposed to share 6 unimportant things about myself, so let's see...
1) I am a brunette, by birth and by bottle
2) I am very good at organizing things, but don't tend to be very organized
3) I really enjoy photography
4) I love roller coasters
5) I love milk chocolate, but really don't like dark chocolate at all
6) I would love to live by the ocean
I am supposed to tag 6 people, but I'm no good at choosing - so if you are reading this and you'd like to play along, consider yourself tagged!