I decided I needed to take a break from pounding bottle caps and do
something different. I dyed this fabric last year. It was a white tone-on-tone and I love how the flowers resist the dye. The problem was that there was way too much pink for my taste. I like the top and left sides, but the rest, well, what to do with all that pink?

Last year, on a whim, I also bought the pattern to make fabric bowls with strips of fabric and cotton clothesline. I've been wanting to try it, but you know how it goes, I just never took the time to do it. Well, I decided to use this fabric, and here is my new bowl ...

I made the smallest size the pattern offered, but made the sides a little taller. It is pretty big! And I love it. Yeah, still a lot of pink but at least it is tempered by the other colors. So I've decided it is my new fruit bowl.

What do you think? Hey, at least I know I can wash it!