The kids have been off school for the last few weeks. We recently took the dog to a local park for a walk around the lake. We spied this bit of impromptu art along the way. Someone took some discards and made this sculpture. We loved it! I hope you can see it, it is hard to capture the depth in a photo.

Spring is in full swing here in the Piedmont of North Carolina, but just two weeks ago the signs were just emerging. I loved these fallen logs. The life cycle at work.

And the first hint of maple leaves. Love how they are red and stand out so nicely against the gray. Yes, it is finally spring.

And how could you be any happier than a dog allowed to romp through the creek and then roll in the sand. What's a little dirt in the mouth when you've got spring fever to contend with???

I have been working on a few little things, which I hope to share with you shortly. I still need to do my taxes and when it is sunny and 75 outside it is difficult to accomplish much of anything! I hope you are seeing signs of the changing seasons where you are. We should learn to celebrate each one.