That sums up the month of December for me. It was jam packed with visits from family and friends, celebrations, a much needed and enjoyed family vacation, and a wicked head cold. Since I haven't worked on anything the last few weeks, I thought I'd share a few pieces that I made last month but never had the opportunity to post. They are all 5x5, not inlcuding the hanger.

These two (above and below) have spent the holiday season at Eye of the Eagle Art in Clayton, NC. They are two of the pieces I submitted for their "Biggest Little Art Show". They are for sale, so I am hoping that they will spend future months brightening the living space of new owners.
The photos are mine, printed onto fabric and sealed. Above are some beautiful poppies from Santa Fe, NM. Below, a visitor to a bloom at the North Carolina Zoo.

The next three are pieces which I made for my etsy shop. I hope they will be available in the next day or so. I also hope to get a few more pieces of my bottle cap jewelry loaded and available for purchase. I'm a little late for the holiday rush, but it was the best I could do this year.

Anemones (Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Durham NC)

Poppies (Taos, NM)

detail: Blue Door (Taos, NM)
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends and love. ~Michelle