I have some new fabric. Well, it started out dyed orange and black, except the dyes were old and spent. I knew this when I dyed it, but I thought I'd see how it turned out anyway. It was not attractive in the least. So when the little fabric round robin group (that formed due to a trade on Surface Design, and stayed together through 3 rounds of complex cloth, and counting!) decided to continue with another round, I grabbed that pale peach and gray fabric and overdyed it with blue and gold. Here's what I sent along...

And here is the glorious fabric I got in return! Isn't it fabulous? I need a new handbag, so I think that's where this piece is headed. The circles are huge, and the bubble wrap stamping is so cool. I can't remember everything they did to this piece, but I never thought I'd love it as much as I do. You can still see bits of the peach peeking through, which actually lends a really nice effect. Go figure! So thank you, ladies, for my beautiful fabric!

And about that Funky Tree ... you may recall a few months ago I shared a photo of a fiber leaf that I was sending to the
International Fiber Collaborative for The Interdependence Tree Project. Well, you HAVE TO go check out the tree. It is amazing! Be sure to click on the photo to see a larger version. You will be blown away. In August it will be on permanent display at the Earlyworks Children's Museum in Huntsville, Alabama.
I received some beautiful art in the mail this week and I hope to get it photographed to share with you next week. Thanks for stopping by!